Publication Date: 11/1/78
    Pages: 9
    Date Entered: 1/5/93
    Title: Considerations for Establishing Traceability of Special Nuclear Material Accounting Measurements
    November 1978
    Part 70, "Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material," of Title
    10 of the Code of Federal Regulations requires that for approval to
    possess and use more than one effective kilogram of special nuclear
    material (SNM)(1) the licensee must provide proper physical security and
    an adequate material control and accounting system. Section 70.51,
    "Material Balance, Inventory, and Records Requirements," requires
    licensees to calculate material unaccounted for (MUF) and the limit of
    error of the MUF value (LEMUF) following each physical inventory and to
    compare the LEMUF with prescribed standards. Section 70.58, "Fundamental
    Nuclear Material Controls," requires licensees to maintain a program for
    the continuing determination of systematic and random measurement errors
    and for maintaining control of such errors within prescribed limits.
    Section 70.57, "Measurement Control Program for Special Nuclear Materials
    Control and Accounting," provides criteria for establishing and
    maintaining an acceptable measurement and control system.(2) Implicit in the criteria stated in Section 70.57 is the requirement
    of traceability of all SNM control and accounting measurements to the
    National Measurement System (NMS) by means of reference standards.
    Traceability means the ability to relate individual measurement results to
    national standards or nationally accepted measurement systems through an
    unbroken chain of comparisons, and reference standard means a material,
    device, or instrument whose assigned value(3) is known relative to
    national standards or nationally accepted measurement systems.
    (1) For definitions, see paragraphs 70.4(m) and (t) of 10 CFR Part
    (2) The listed regulations do not apply to special nuclear materials
    involved in the operation of a nuclear reactor, in waste disposal
    operations, or as sealed sources. See paragraphs 70.51(e), 70.57(b), and
    70.58(a) of 10 CFR Part 70.
    This guide presents conditions and procedural approaches acceptable
    to the NRC staff for establishing and maintaining traceability of SNM
    control and accounting measurements. No specific methods will be
    presented herein since the methodology to be used for any given
    measurement must be tailored to the needs and peculiarities of the
    relevant process material, reference standards, instrumentation, and
    circumstances. Rationales and pertinent analytical factors will be
    presented for consideration as to their applicability to the measurement
    at hand.
1. Background
    SNM measurements for control and accounting are performed on a great
    variety of material types and concentrations, with a diversity of
    measurement procedures, by a large number of licensees at all the various
    industrial, research and development, and academic facilities involved.
    A way of linking all these measurements and their uncertainties to the NMS
    is necessary to achieve valid overall accountability. To this end, all
    measurement systems must be compatible with the NMS, and all measurement
    results must be traceable to the appropriate national (primary) reference
    standards or Primary Certified Reference Materials (PCRMs). To obtain
    this necessary compatibility for any given SNM measurement task, secondary
    (intermediate, working) reference standards or Secondary Certified
    Reference Materials (SCRMs) appropriate for each SNM type and measurement
    system are nearly always required. Table 1 defines the various types of
    reference materials.
    (3) The term "value" includes instrumental response and other
    pertinent factors.
    Traceability is a property of the overall measurement, including all
    Certified Reference Materials (CRMs), instruments, procedures, measurement
    conditions, techniques, and calculations employed. Each component of a
    measurement contributes to the uncertainty of the measurement result
    relative to the NMS. The NMS itself comprises a number of components,
    including Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) or PCRMs, national
    laboratories, calibration facilities, and standard-writing groups. If the
    NMS is viewed as an entity capable of making measurements without error,
    traceability can be defined as the ability to relate any measurement made
    by a local station (e.g., licensee) to the "correct" value as measured by
    the NMS. If it were possible for the NMS to make measurements on the same
    item or material as the local station, this relationship, and hence
    traceability, could be directly obtained. Since the NMS is largely an
    intangible reference system, not a functioning entity, such direct
    comparisons are not ordinarily possible, and alternative means for
    achieving traceability must be employed. This necessary linkage of
    measurement results and their uncertainties to the NMS can be achieved by:
    a. Periodic measurements by the licensee of SRMs or PCRMs whose
    assigned values and uncertainties have been certified by the National
    Bureau of Standards (NBS). These measurements may include international
    reference materials whose assigned values have been approved and accepted
    by the NBS. This option applies only if the materials to be measured have
    a substantially identical effect upon the measurement process as do the
    reference materials (RMs) or if the difference is relatively small and
    easily correctable by means of the known effects of all interfering
    parameters. Also, of course, the measurement of the RMs must be performed
    in a manner identical to that employed for the SNM measurements (see
    Section B.3.1 of this guide).
    (Due to database constraints, Tables 1 and 2 are not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.) b. Periodic measurements of well-characterized process materials
    or synthesized artifacts that have been shown to be substantially stable
    and either (a) homogeneous or (b) having small variability of known
    limits. The uncertainties (relative to the NMS) associated with the
    values assigned to such process materials or artifacts are obtained by
    direct or indirect comparisons with PCRMs or NBS SRMs.
    c. Periodic submission of samples for comparative measurement by
    a recognized facility having established traceability in the measurement
    involved, employing one or both of the above procedures, and involving
    only samples not subject to change in their measured values during storage
    or transit. ("Round-robin" sample exchanges between facilities can be
    useful in confirming or denying compatibility of results, but such
    exchanges do not of themselves constitute the establishment or maintenance
    of traceability.) Valid assignment of an uncertainty value to any measurement result
    demands a thorough knowledge of all the observed or assigned uncertainties
    in the measurement system, including an understanding of the nature of the
    sources of these uncertainties, not just a statistical measure of their
    existence. It is not sufficient, for example, to derive a
    root-mean-square value for a succession of observed or assigned
    uncertainties (CRM, instrumental, and procedural) for which standard
    deviation values have been calculated by statistical methods for random
    events. To do so involves assumptions as to the randomness of these
    variances that may not be at all valid. The variances may, in fact, be
    due to a combination of systematic errors that appear to be randomly
    distributed over the long run but that are not at all random in their
    occurrence for a given analyst employing a given combination of standards,
    tools, and instrumental components. Thus, it is necessary to derive the
    uncertainty value of a measurement from methods that also involve a
    summation of the nonrandom (systematic) uncertainties, not from the
    mathematics of random events alone. The valid determination of the
    uncertainty of a measurement relative to the NMS, and thus of the degree
    of traceability, is not a rigorous procedure but is the result of sound
    judgment based on thorough knowledge and understanding of all factors
    Obviously, the sources of systematic error can be reduced if the
    Working Reference Materials (WRMs) are included at least once in every
    series of related measurements by a given analyst and combination of
    tools, instruments, and conditions. The calibration and correlation
    factors so obtained cannot be applied uncritically to successive
    measurements. It also follows that the applicability of any given RM to
    a series of measurements of process material should be examined critically
    both periodically and with every change or hint of change in the
    measurement characteristics of the process material.
    It is doubtful that the WRMs can ever be exact representations of
    the material under measurement in any given instance, even for highly
    controlled process materials, such as formed fuel pieces or uniform
    powdered oxide, shown to be substantially uniform in both composition and
    measurement-affecting physical characteristics (e.g., density or shape for
    nondestructive assay (NDA) measurements). However, in most cases RMs that
    yield measurement uncertainties within the selected limits for the
    material in question can be achieved. Obviously, the errors resulting
    from mismatch of the RM with the measured material will be largest in
    heterogeneous matter such as waste materials, but in these cases the SNM
    concentrations normally will be low and the allowable limits of
    uncertainty correspondingly less stringent.
    The important truth being stresed here is that every measurement
    must be considered, in all aspects, as an individual determination subject
    to error from a variety of sources, none of which may be safely ignored.
    The all-too-natural tendency to treat successive measurements as routine
    must be rigorously avoided. Physical RMs, in particular, tend to be
    mistakenly accepted as true and unvarying; but they may well be subject to
    changes in effective value (measured response), as well as
    unrepresentative of the samples, unless wisely selected and carefully
    The characteristics required of CRMs include:
    a. Sufficiently small and known uncertainties in the assigned
    values. (Normally, the uncertainties of the CRMs will contribute only a
    small fraction of the total uncertainty of the measurement.) b. Predictability in the response produced in the measurement
    process. (Ideally, the measurement process will respond to the reference
    materials in the same way as to the item or material to be measured. If
    there is a difference in measurement response to the measured parameter
    arising from other measurement-affecting factors, these effects must be
    known and quantifiable.) c. Adequate stability with respect to all measurement-affecting
    characteristics of the standard. (This is necessary to avoid systematic
    errors due to changes in such properties as density, concentration, shape,
    and distribution.) d. Availability in quantities adequate for the intended
    It cannot be assumed that RMs will always remain wholly stable as
    seen by the measurement system employed, that working RMs will forever
    remain representative of the measured material for which they were
    prepared or selected, or that the measured material itself will remain
    unchanged in its measurement characteristics. Therefore, it is essential
    that these RMs, as well as the measurement instrumentation and procedures,
    be subject to a program of continuing confirmation of traceability. Many
    of the factors involved in such a program are discussed in Reference 1.(4)2. Mass and Volume Measurements
    The national systems of mass and volume measurements are so well
    established that RMs meeting the above criteria are readily available.
    Where necessary, the licensee can use the RMs to calibrate WRMs that more
    closely match the characteristics of the measured material in terms of
    mass, shape, and density in the case of mass measurements or are more
    easily adapted to the calibration of volume-measurement equipment.
    Specific procedures for the use of mass and volume RMs for the
    calibration of measurement processes and equipment are given in the
    corresponding ANSI standards (Refs. 2 and 3). Factors likely to affect
    uncertainty levels in inventory measurements of mass and volume are
    discussed in other regulatory guides (Refs. 4, 5, and 6).
3. Chemical Assay and Isotopic Measurements
    Methods for chemical analysis and isotopic measurement often are
    subject to systematic errors caused by the presence of interfering
    impurities, gross differences in the concentrations of the measured
    component(s) or of measurement-affecting matrix materials, and other
    compositional factors. Traceability in these measurements can be obtained
    only if such effects are recognized and either are eliminated by
    adjustment of the RM (or sample) composition or, in some cases, are
    compensated for by secondary measurements of the measurement-affecting
    variable component(s) and corresponding correction of the measured SNM
    value. The latter procedure involves additional sources of uncertainty
    and therefore should be employed only if it has a substantial economic or
    time advantage, if the interferences or biasing effects are small and
    limited in range, if the corrected method is reliable, and if the
    correction itself is verifiable and is regularly verified.
    3.1 National Standards - Uses and Limitations
    NBS SRMs generally are not recommended for use directly as WRMs, not
    only because of cost and required quantities but also because of
    differences in composition (or isotopic ratios) compared to the process
    materials to be measured. NBS SRMs are more often used to prepare
    synthesized intermediate RMs of composition and form matching the process
    material or to evaluate (and give traceability to) non-NBS but
    substantially identical material from which matching WRMs are then
    prepared. This is necessary because of both the wide diversity of process
    materials encountered and the very small number and variety of SNM SRMs
    available. These intermediate RMs may be used directly as WRMs, if
    appropriate, or may be reserved for less frequent use in the calibration
    of suitable synthetic or process-material WRMs of like characteristics, as
    well as for verifying instrumental response factors and other aspects of
    the measurement system. However, each level of subsidiary RMs adds
    another level of uncertainty to the overall uncertainty of the SNM
    (4) Regulatory guides under development on measurement control
    programs for SNM accounting and on considerations for determining the
    systhematic error and the random error of SNM accounting measurement will
    also discuss the factors involved in a program of continuing confirmation
    of traceability.
    SRMs can also be used to "spike" process samples or WRMs to
    determine or verify the measurability of incremental changes at the
    working SNM level. However, because of possible "threshold" or "zero
    error" effects and/or nonlinearity or irregularity of measurement response
    with concentration, this process does not of itself establish
    3.2 Working Reference Materials
    WRMs that closely match the effective composition of process
    material, or a series of such WRMs that encompass the full range of
    variation therein, serve as the traceability link in most chemical
    analysis and isotopic measurements. The WRMs derive traceability through
    calibration relative to either SRMs or, more often, synthesized
    intermediate CRMs containing either SRMs or other material evaluated
    relative to the SRM (see Section B.3.1 of this guide).
    The characteristics required of a WRM are that it be chemically
    similar to the material to be measured (including interfering substances),
    that it be sufficiently stable to have a useful lifetime, and that it have
    sufficiently low uncertainty in its assigned value to meet the
    requirements of the measurement methods and of the accountability limits
    of error.
    WRMs can be prepared (a) from process materials characteristic of
    the material to be measured or (b) by synthesis using known quantities of
    pure SNM. The former method offers the advantage that the WRM will
    include all the properties that can affect the measurement such as
    impurities, SNM concentration level, and chemical and physical form; it
    suffers from the disadvantage that the assigned value is determined by
    analyses subject to uncertainties that must be ascertained. The latter
    method involves preparations using standard reference material (not
    usually economical unless small amounts are used) or SCRMs (see Section
    B.3.1) with the appropriate combination of other materials to simulate the
    material to be measured. The advantages of the latter method include more
    accurate knowledge of the SNM content and better control of other
    variables such as the amount of impurities and the matrix composition. The
    chief disadvantage is that the synthesized RM may not possess all the
    subtle measurement-affecting characteristics of the process material.
    Moreover, the preparation of synthesized WRMs may be substantially more
    costly than the analysis of WRMs prepared from process material. Detailed
    procedures for preparing plutonium and uranium WRMs are described in NRC
    reports (Refs. 7 and 8).
    The primary concern in the use of a WRM to establish traceability in
    SNM measurements is the validity of the assigned value and its
    uncertainty. Considerable care is necessary to ensure that the WRMs are
    prepared with a minimal increase in the uncertainty of the assigned value
    above that of the SRM upon which the WRM value is based. If the assigned
    value of a WRM is to be determined by analysis, the use of more than one
    method of analysis is necessary to enhance confidence in the validity of
    the assigned value. The methods should respond differently to impurities
    and to other compositional variations. If the WRM has been synthesized
    from standard reference material or from intermediate reference material,
    the composition and SNM content can be verified by subsequent analyses.
    The composition of a WRM can change with time, e.g., changes in
    oxidation state, crystalline form, hydration, or adsorption. These
    changes and their effects on measurement are minimized by appropriate
    packaging and proper storage conditions. Additional assurance is attained
    by distributing premeasured amounts of the material into individual
    packets at the time of preparation, and these packets can be appropriately
    sized so that the entire packet is used for a single calibration or test.
    Even among such subsamples there may be variability in SNM content, and
    this variability must be taken into account in determining the uncertainty
    of the assigned value.
    3.3 Standard Laboratories and Sample Interchange
    Traceability of chemical assay and isotopic analysis values also may
    be obtainable through comparative analyses of identical samples under
    parallel conditions. A comparative-measurement program may take either or
    both of two forms:
    a. Periodic submission of process samples for analysis by a
    recognized facility having demonstrated traceability in the desired
    b. Interfacility interchange and measurement of
    well-characterized and representative materials with values assigned by a
    facility having demonstrated traceability in the measurement.
    Round-robin programs in which representative samples are analyzed by
    a number of laboratories do not establish traceability but can only
    indicate inter-laboratory agreement or differences, unless traceability of
    one or more of the samples in a set has been established as above.
4. Nondestructive Assay
    Nondestructive assay (NDA) measurement methods are those that leave
    the measured material unchanged (e.g., gamma emission methods) or with no
    significant change (e.g., neutron activation) relative to its
    corresponding unmeasured state (Ref. 1). NDA offers the advantages that
    the same RM or the same sample can be measured repeatedly and yields
    valuable data on system uncertainties not otherwise obtained, that the
    measurement made does not consume process material, and that measurements
    can be made more frequently or in greater number, usually at a lesser unit
    cost than destructive chemical methods. These advantages often yield
    better process and inventory control and enhanced statistical significance
    in the measurement data. However, like chemical analytical methods, NDA
    methods have many sources of interferences that may affect their accuracy
    and reliability.
    In nearly all NDA methods,(5) the integrity and traceability of the
    measurements depend on the validity of the RMs by which the NDA system is
    calibrated. Calibrations generally are based on WRMs that are or are
    intended to be well-characterized and representative of the process
    material or items to be measured. While the matching of RMs to process
    items, and consequent valid traceability, is not difficult to achieve for
    homogeneous materials of substantially constant composition (e.g., alloys)
    having fixed size and shape (e.g., machined pieces), such ideal conditions
    are not obtained for most SNM measurements. Many of the materials and
    items encountered are nonhomogeneous, nonconforming in distribution, size,
    or shape, and highly variable in type of material and composition. In
    order to ensure traceability of the measurement results to the NMS,
    variations in the physical characteristics and composition of process
    items and in their effects upon the response of the NDA measurement system
    must be evaluated and carefully considered in the selection or design of
    WRMs and measurement procedures (Refs. 9 and 10).
    WRMs usually (a) are prepared from process materials that have been
    characterized by measurement methods whose uncertainties have been
    ascertained relative to the NMS (i.e., are traceable) or (b) are artifacts
    synthesized from well-characterized materials to replicate the process
    material.(6) However, calibration of the NDA method by means of such RMs
    does not automatically establish continuing traceability of all process
    item measurement results obtained by that method. The effects of small
    variations in the materials being assayed may lead to biased results even
    when the WRM and the material under assay were obtained from nominally the
    same process material. It therefore may be necessary either (a) to
    establish traceability of process item measurement results by comparing
    the NDA measurement results with those obtained by means of a reliable
    alternative measurement system of known traceability, e.g., by total
    dissolution and chemical analysis (see Section B.4.1) or (b) to establish
    adequate sample characterization to permit the selection of a similarly
    characterized WRM for method calibration (see Section B.4.2).
    (5) Absolute calorimetry of SNM of known chemical and isotopic
    composition is an exception.
    (6) The advantages stated for similarly derived WRMs (see Section
    B.3.2) also apply here.
    4.1 Traceability Assay by a Second Method
    Any NDA method would be of little practical use if every measurement also
    required a confirmatory analysis. However, in cases in which there are a
    number of items or material samples of established similar
    characteristics, it is practical to establish traceability for a series of
    measurements by means of traceable second-method evaluations of an
    appropriate proportion of randomly selected samples. If the correlation
    between the two methods is then found to be consistent, traceability is
    established for all NDA measurements on that lot of SNM and on other
    highly similar material.
    For nominally uniform process or production material of which multiple
    subsamples can be obtained from a gross sample, the uniformity can be
    deduced from the distribution of the NDA measurement data. For thus
    characterized material, traceability can be established for all subsamples
    that approximate the mean(7) from the separate traceable second-method
    analysis of a few of the subsamples. Other like subsamples can then be
    selected as traceable WRMs whose assigned values are related to the
    separately analyzed subsamples through their respective NDA measurement
    For subsample populations exhibiting a range of NDA values,
    especially where a destructive second-method analysis is used, the
    "twinning" method of sample selection may be employed. In this method,
    pairs of subsamples are matched by their NDA measurement values, and the
    matches are confirmed by NDA reruns. One member of each pair is evaluated
    by the traceable second-method analysis; the other member of that pair is
    then assigned the value determined for its twin and may serve thereafter
    as a traceable WRM for the measurement of that process material by that
    NDA method.
    (7) Subsamples whose measured values markedly deviate from the mean
    (i.e., "flyers") are not used for second-method analysis or for WRMs.
    4.2 Characterization by a Second Method
    If the process items or materials being measured are subject to
    non-SNM variations that affect the SNM measurement, it may be possible to
    employ one or more additional methods of analysis to measure these
    variations and thus to characterize process materials in terms of such
    analysis results. If the secondary analyses also are by an NDA method,
    they may often be performed routinely with the SNM measurements. In many
    cases, the results of secondary analyses may be used to derive simple
    corrections to the SNM measurement results. Correction also may be
    obtained and traceability preserved by the judicious modification of RMs
    so as to incorporate the same variable factors, i.e., so that they can
    produce the same relative effects in the SNM and non-SNM measurements as
    do the process variable(s).
    Alternatively, it may be advantageous to prepare WRMs that span the
    normal range of variability of the measurement-affecting non-SNM
    parameter(s) (and also the SNM-concept range, if appropriate). These
    standards can then be characterized on the basis of their non-SNM
    measurement results or of some function(s) of SNM and non-SNM measurement
    results and can be assigned a corresponding "characteristic figure." If
    this procedure can be carried out with adequate sensitivity and
    specificity relative to the interfering factors, and within acceptable
    limits of uncertainty, the process material can be routinely characterized
    in like manner and the appropriate WRM selected on the basis of such
5. Continuing Traceability Assurance
    Initial or occasional demonstration that a laboratory has made
    measurements compatible with the NMS is not sufficient to support a claim
    of traceability. Measurement processes are by their nature dynamic. They
    are vulnerable to small changes in the skill and care with which they are
    performed. Deterioration in the reliability of their measurement results
    can be caused by (a) changes in personnel performance, (b) deterioration
    in or the development of defects in RMs, instrumentation, or other
    devices, or (c) variation in the environmental conditions under which the
    measurements are performed. The techniques discussed in preceding
    sections ensure traceability only if they are used within a continuing
    program of measurement control.
    The measurement control program used by the licensee should include
    provisions to ensure that individual measurement results are traceable to
    the national measurement system (NMS). RMs used to establish traceability
    of measurement results to the NMS should have assigned values whose
    uncertainties are known relative to the NMS. To meet this condition, the
    licensee should maintain a continuing program for calibrating each
    measurement process, using RMs that meet the criteria in the following
1. Reference Materials
    1.1 The National Bureau of Standards
    Devices, instruments, and materials calibrated or approved by the
    NBS are acceptable RMs(8) for calibrating either methods or WRMs.
    However, it is very important that the licensee be able to demonstrate
    that the RMs are stable under the conditions for which they are used, that
    their validity has not been compromised, and that they meet the accuracy
    requirements of the intended applications.
    1.2 Secondary Certified Reference and Working Reference Materials
    Lower-order SCRMs or WRMs that have been produced by the licensee or
    by a commercial supplier are acceptable provided their uncertainties
    relative to PCRMs are known.
    A statement of uncertainty should be assigned to each RM based on an
    evaluation of the uncertainties of the calibration process. The statement
    should contain both the standard deviation and the estimated bounds of the
    systematic errors associated with the assigned value.
    1.2.1RMs for Chemical and Isotopic Analyses. WRMs used for
    calibrating chemical assay and isotopic measurements may be prepared from
    standard reference materials (SRMs) supplied by NBS or from other
    well-characterized materials available to the industry. Such WRMs should
    be prepared under conditions that ensure high reliability and should be
    packaged and stored in a way that eliminates any potential for degradation
    of the WRM.
    The assigned values of WRMs prepared from process materials should
    be determined by analysis, using two different methods whenever possible.
    A sufficient number of analyses should be done by both methods to allow a
    reliable estimate of the components of random variation that affect the
    measurement. If two methods are not available, as may be the case for
    isotopic analysis, it is recommended that a verification analysis be
    obtained from another laboratory.
    If WRMs are prepared from NBS SRMs or other PCRMs, they should be
    analyzed to verify that the makeup value is correct, i.e., that no
    mistakes have been made in their preparation. For this verification, at
    least five samples should be analyzed, using the most reliable method
    available. Should the analytical results differ significantly from the
    makeup value, the WRM should not be used. Typical statistical and
    analytical procedures acceptable to the NRC staff for preparing WRMs are
    found in References 7 and 8.
    (8) International RMs and reference material such as IAEA RMs are
    included, if accepted by NBS.
    Storage and packaging of WRMs should follow procedures designed to
    minimize any changes likely to affect the validity of the assigned values.
    Whenever practical, the WRM should be divided into small measured
    quantities at the time of preparation, and the quantities should be of
    appropriate size so that each entire unit is used for a single calibration
    or calibration test.
    1.2.2Nondestructive Assay. RMs for NDA should be prepared from
    well-characterized materials whose SNM contents have been measured by
    methods that have been calibrated with CRMs or from synthetic materials of
    known SNM content. The NDA RMs should closely resemble in all key
    characteristics the process items to be measured by the system. Since
    destructive measurements ordinarily cannot be made on NDA RMs in order to
    verify makeup, as required for WRMs for chemical assay and isotopic
    analyses, RMs should be prepared in sets of at least three, using
    procedures that guard against errors common to all members of the set.
    The consistency of the NDA system response to all the RMs in the set
    provides a basis for judging the validity of the set of RMs. If one or
    more of the RMs in the set differs significantly from the expected
    response, no RMs from that set should be used. Statistical tests for this
    comparison can be found in References 7 and 8.
    The design and fabrication of the RMs should take into account the
    measurement process parameters affecting the response of the system (Ref.
    1), including:
    a. SNM content,
    b. Isotopic content,
    c. Matrix material,
    d. Density,
    e. Container material and dimensions,
    f. Self-absorption effects, and
    g. Absorption and moderation effects.
    Studies should be carried out in sufficient detail to identify the
    process item characteristics and the variations of the characteristics
    that can cause systematic error. The results of the studies should be
    used to establish reasonable bounds for the systematic errors.
    NDA systems whose uncertainties relative to the NMS cannot be
    satisfactorily established directly through the calibration process should
    be tested by comparative analysis. This test should be done by
    periodically analyzing randomly selected process items with the NDA system
    in question and by another method with known uncertainty. The
    verification analysis can be done on samples obtained after reduction of
    the entire item to a homogeneous form. In some cases, verification
    analysis by small-sample NDA or by other NDA methods may be acceptable if
    the uncertainties of the verification method are known relative to the
2. Measurement Assurance
    The traceability of each measurement process to the NMS should be
    maintained by a continuing program of measurement assurance. This program
    should include planned periodic verifications of the assigned values of
    all RMs used for calibrations.
    2.1 Verification of Calibrations
    A formal program fixing the frequency at which calibrations and
    calibration checks are performed should be established. The required
    frequencies are strongly dependent on system stability and should be
    determined for each case by using historical performance experience.
    Current performance of the measurement system based on measurement control
    program data may signal the need for more frequent verifications. Also,
    the effects of changes in process parameters such as composition of
    material or material flows should be evaluated when they occur to
    determine the need for new calibrations.
    WRMs that are subject to deterioration should be recertified or
    replaced on a predetermined schedule. The frequency of recertification or
    replacement should be based on performance history. If the integrity of
    an RM is in doubt, it must be discarded or recalibrated.
    2.2 Recertification or Replacement of CRMs
    Objects, instruments, or materials calibrated by NBS or other
    authoritative laboratories and used as CRMs by the licensee should be
    monitored by intercomparisons with other CRMs to establish their continued
    validity. In any case, the values should be redetermined periodically
    according to Table 2.
    2.3 Interlaboratory Exchange Programs
    The licensee should participate in interlaboratory exchange programs
    when such programs are relevant to the types of measurements performed in
    his laboratory. The data obtained through this participation and other
    comparative measurement data (such as shipper-receiver differences and
    inventory verification analyses) should be used to substantiate the
    uncertainty statements of his measurements.
    When significant deviations in the results of the comparative
    measurements occur, indicating lack of consistency in measurements, the
    licensee should conduct an investigation. The investigation should
    identify the cause of the inconsistency and, if the cause is within his
    organization, the licensee should initiate corrective actions to remove
    the inconsistency. The investigation may involve a reevaluation of the
    measurement process and the CRMs to locate sources of bias or systematic
    error or a reevaluation of the measurement errors to determine if the
    stated uncertainties are correct.
3. Records
    The licensee should retain all records relevant to the uncertainty
    of each measurement process for 5 years. The records should include
    documents or certificates of CRMs, the measurement and statistical data
    used for assigning values to WRMs, and the calibration procedures used in
    preparing the WRMs.
1. Regulatory Guide 5.11, "Nondestructive Assay of Special Nuclear
    Material Contained in Scrap and Waste" (1973).
2. ANSI Standard N15.18, "Mass Calibration Techniques for Nuclear
    Material Control," American National Standards Institute, 1430
    Broadway, New York, New York (1975).
3. ANSI Standard N15.19, "Volume Calibration Techniques for Nuclear
    Material Control," American National Standards Institute, 1430
    Broadway, New York, New York (1975).
4. Regulatory Guide 5.25, "Design Considerations for Minimizing
    Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Material in Equipment for Wet
    Process Operations" (1974).
5. Regulatory Guide 5.42, "Design Considerations for Minimizing
    Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Material in Equipment for Dry
    Process Operations" (1975).
6. Regulatory Guide 5.48, "Design Considerations--Systems for Measuring
    the Mass of Liquids" (1975).
7. G. C. Swanson, S. F. Marsh, J. E. Rein, G. L. Tietjen, R. K.
    Zeigler, and G. R. Waterbury, "Preparation of Working Calibration
    and Test Materials--Plutonium Nitrate Solution," NRC report
    NUREG-0118 (1977).
8. S. S. Yamamura, F. W. Spraktes, J. M. Baldwin R. L. Hand, R. P.
    Lash, and J. P. Clark, "Preparation of Working Calibration and Test
    Materials: Uranyl Nitrate Solution," NRC report NUREG-0253 (1977).
9. ANSI Standard N15.20, "Guide to Calibrating Nondestructive Assay
    Systems," American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New
    York, New York (1975).
10. Regulatory Guide 5.53, "Qualification, Calibration, and Error
    Estimation Methods for Nondestructive Assay" (1975).